


The Implementation of Mandatory Health Insurance: Visible and Invisible Dimensions of the Process

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The introduction of a mandatory (or compulsory) health insurance (MHI) mechanism across the Azerbaijan last year was undoubtedly one of the most important events in the socio-economic life of the country. The recent transition from the post-Soviet-based universal health care system to a health care system based on mandatory health insurance is one of several large-scale, complex and somewhat painful socio-economic reforms affecting the interests and well-being of almost all segments of society. The fate and outcome of such large-scale changes will depend decisively on how well the systematic roadmap of the reform is prepared and implemented, how well the medical staff directly involved in the process understand and support the changes, and the expectations and confidence of its ultimate beneficiaries.

The Baku Research Institute (BRI) has conducted research in order to assess the progress of MHI’s implementation, as well as to study the attitude of the population and health workers towards the process, and their expectations. The research is based on an online public survey, interviews with healthcare workers, and an analysis of data obtained from inquiries to public offices directly involved in the implementation of the reform. We found that: i) public expectations that the accessibility and quality of medical services will improve as a result of the introduction of compulsory health insurance are still low; ii) there is a lack of understanding and uncertainty in the attitudes of health workers at various levels towards the nature, course and expected outcomes of the reforms; iii) institutions responsible for the implementation of the reform and the effective organization of the health system in the country lack a systematic roadmap for the completion of reforms and development prospects for the healthcare system.

You can read the research by clicking the link below:

The Implementation of Mandatory Health Insurance: Visible and Invisible Dimensions of the Process

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