


Shalala Mammadova

Ph.D. in History. She is a former vice rector of Baku State University. Currently, she is a researcher at the Kennan Institute of Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.



Javid Aga

Shah Abbas’ European Spies – The Roman embassy

In the last 5 articles, I discussed Shah Abbas’ spy network and diplomatic activities in Europe.[1] In this article, I will write about the

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Zulfu Farajli

Bison Reintroduction in Azerbaijan: What Are the Benefits?

One of the big-budget environmental projects currently being implemented in Azerbaijan is the reintroduction of Bison into the country’s ...

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Nijat Mammadbayli

Institutional Corruption in the Council of Europe’s Relationship with Azerbaijan

In this paper, I examine the intricate relationship between Azerbaijan and the Council of Europe (CoE). I focus particularly on the intertwined ...

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Tinay Mushdiyeva

Individual or Group: Who is the Subject of Knowledge? What Can Group Epistemology Give Us?

Knowledge is one of the most dramatic topics in the history of philosophy. In addition to the complexity of the subject, the reason for this ...

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Javid Aga

Shah Abbas’ European Spies – The Polish embassy

In the last 4 articles, I discussed Shah Abbas’s espionage and diplomatic activities in Europe.[1] This article talks about the fate of Pirgulu ...

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Farid Mehralizadeh

How Have Border Closures Affected Tourism in Azerbaijan?

Azerbaijan’s land borders have been closed since March 2020. The Cabinet of Ministers last decided  in March 2024 to extend the ...

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Samir Aliyev

Failure to Devolve: Azerbaijan Avoids Promised Devolution of Power to Municipalities by Merging Them Instead

Azerbaijan has long been expected to take concrete steps towards decentralization and strengthening local governments (municipalities). However, ...

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Araz Aliyev

Predatory Journals in the Academic Environment of Azerbaijan

Every year, numerous authors from Azerbaijan publish their articles in journals that the international academic community considers predatory. ...

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Shahin Jafarli

The Red Wave: Is Türkiye Entering CHP Era?

Another Türkiye central and local election cycle is now behind us. The parliamentary and presidential elections of 14-28 May 2023 failed to ...

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Ingilab Ahmadov

Green Economy and Energy Efficiency Challenges Facing Azerbaijan

The ambitious decarbonization goals of Cop29 host Azerbaijan, with its relatively small and oil-dependent economy, the recent launch of a number ...

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